
With its slogan “innovators by Tradition”, Tissot has been at the forefront of art and innovation since its creation in 1853. Today Tissot is a member of the Swatch group, the largest manufacturer and distributor of watches in the world. It is now present in more than 160 countries. Tissot’s primacy in terms of innovation is based on the development of hi-tech products, special materials and advanced technology. With an attractively priced range of high-end watches which is larger and more diversified than that of any other Swiss watch brand, Tissot is also living proof of a commitment to make excellence accessible. As official timekeeper and partner of FIBA, AFL, MotoGP™ and Superbike, as well as the world cycling, fencing and ice-hockey championships, Tissot undertakes to respect tradition by emphasising its key values, namely performance, precision and the definition of new standards.

PHP Core Warning


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